About Us

JBPMine.com was created by 2 crypto enthusiasts to allow anybody to experience cloud mining without the risk. Together we have over a decade of experience with crypto and have made excellent returns on our crypto portfolios. The crypto and cloud mining world is full of scams, pryamid schemes, and questionable websites. We wanted a website that users can trust. Our goal is to help create a better name for cryptocurrency websites. We will never ask you for money or to make a deposit. In fact, we don't allow deposits at all. Our website is 100% free and always will be. We do not and will never use your computer or internet to mine cryptocurrencies and we do not run any background programs to mine for income, as many sites do.

JBP Mine is a mining simulation game that provides a fun way for users to experience the crypto world and crypto mining world. Our unique game simulates a cloud mine in which users can buy hash power and "mine" JBP Coins. You can use those JBP Coins to buy more hash power or you can spend them on rewards, including real cryptocurrency! That's right! You can earn real rewards from playing our game.

How do we make money?

Because we do not allow deposits, all of our revenue comes from advertisments and 3rd party services within our website. We take that income and purchase rewards that we can give to our users. After all, it wouldn't be possible without you.